Frequently Asked Questions

How do I use Oxydens?

To begin, rinse your appliance under cold running water, if necessary lightly clean with a soft brush.

1. Fill the Oxydens Clean-cup with lukewarm water (too hot will damage your appliance) to the upper end of the clear window.

2. Place one Oxydens tablet and your appliance to be cleaned into the Oxydens Clean-box.

3. Put the closed Clean-box into the Clean-cup for approximately 15 minutes.

4. Rinse your appliance through the Clean-box from both sides. Shake out water and store the splint in the Clean-box.

Also you can watch the cleaning process below:

How often can I use Oxydens on my appliance?

Oxydens cleansing tablets can be used daily or after each use of your appliance.

How long should I leave my appliance in the solution for?

We recommend you leave your appliance for 15 minutes.

How many tablets do I need to use for each application?

One tablet per each application.

Why is it important to clean my dental appliance?

Plaque, stains and bacteria can build up over time if your appliance is not maintained. To ensure you maintain good dental hygiene it is important to clean your appliances in your hygiene regime.

Can I reuse the cleaning solution?

No, the solution must be discarded after each use.

Can I reuse my Clean-cup & Clean-box?

Yes! Once your tablets are finished you can purchase the tablets only and reuse your Clean-cup and Clean-box.

Safety Information

When used as directed Oxydens is completely safe. However the usual precautions still apply. Keep out of reach of children, if accidentally swallowed seek medical advice immediately. In case of contact with eyes rinse immediately with clean water and seek medical advice.

Further questions? Please email us at and we will be in touch!